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Ever notice that the world is full of experts who have never actually done what they are "experts" at?

Many a business professor has never actually managed a business. Most business courses stress defining business terms but never actually teach the concepts of running a business.

This blog hopes to teach some of the terms and, at the same time, give some examples and lessons on running a business.

There will also be reviews of books on business listed here. Sometimes companies give me books to review. Regardless of where I get the book to review, I will give my honest opinion. If I was given the book to review I will always disclose that in the review.

I seek to start posting on 02 January 2012. Some of the posts will be recycled from some of my other blogs.

The reader should know that there is no one “Right Way” to conduct business that will apply in all situations. This blog is meant as a place to start. It is hoped that you will perform further research and consult professionals experienced in your particular business before making any important decisions.

13 July 2012

You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

When I was in elementary school way back when, there was a nutritional campaign going on that said “You are what you eat.” The idea was basically “Garbage in, garbage out.”  If you don’t give your body good food, it can’t produce its best results.

We have to give our body what it needs in order for it to serve us well. We need the proper amount of diet and exercise in order to get the best out of ourselves. A well balanced diet that has a large amount of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables is a great start.

I think this goes further. I was reading the One Minute Entrepreneur by Ken Blanchard, Don Hutson and Ethan Willis. The book makes a statement that we are the average of the five people closest to us. I think this makes a good deal of sense. I think it goes further though. We are the average of anyone in our lives who has had an influence on us, good or bad. From the neighbor kid, to the high school friends and high school sweethearts on up to college professors, co-workers and other associates, they all have an influence on us.

We owe it to ourselves to give ourselves the best shot at success. We need to read good books, stay away from pornography, eat right, exercise, etc. We need to stay away from things that can damage our bodies like drugs and even tattoos. Ever hear of hepatitis?

What do you think about this? Do you believe that it is important to provide yourself with the best shot in business and in life?

The opinions or advice listed in this blog or website should be used as a place to start only. It is not a substitute for the use of a professional.
Please be sure to consult your attorney and/or accountant with any specific questions.
There is no one right answer to any business question that will cover all circumstances.
Please Visit McClendon Enterprises

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